Setting GTK properties
Some GTK-Stream messages that allow you to set GTK properties for a
widget. This is done by providing an attribute whose name is the name
of the property you want to set (for example, hexpand
), and whose value is parsed according to the type of
that property.
Here is a list of all the types of properties that GTK-Stream currently knows how to parse :
Property type | Attribute value |
gboolean |
either true or false |
gchararray |
not parsed at all, the value of the attribute is the value of the property |
GFile |
a file path |
gfloat and gdouble |
a floating point number |
gint |
an integer, written in decimal |
GStrv |
a list of space-separated words (for the css-classes property) |
GtkAdjustment |
either <min>:<max> or <min>:<max>:<value> where <min> , <max> and <value> are all integers |
GtkAlign |
one of start , center or end |
GtkJustification |
one of left , right , center or fill |
GtkOrientation |
either horizontal or vertical |
GtkSelectionMode |
one of none , single , browse or multiple |
GtkStack |
the id of an existing GTKStack widget |
GtkStringFilterMatchMode |
one of exact , substring or prefix |
GtkWidget |
the id of an existing GTK widget |
GtkWindow |
the id of an existing GTK window |