{-# LANGUAGE CPP, TypeFamilies, ScopedTypeVariables, UndecidableInstances, StandaloneDeriving, DeriveGeneric, DefaultSignatures, NamedFieldPuns, LambdaCase #-}
module Curly.System.Format.ELF where
import qualified Prelude as P
import Language.Format
import Data.Bits
class (Format Bytes (Elf16 sys),Format Bytes (Elf32 sys),Format Bytes (Elf64 sys),Format Bytes (ElfN sys)) => ElfSystem sys where
data Elf16 sys :: *
data Elf32 sys :: *
data Elf64 sys :: *
data ElfN sys :: *
e_16 :: Word16 -> Elf16 sys
e_from16 :: Elf16 sys -> Word16
e_32 :: Word32 -> Elf32 sys
e_from32 :: Elf32 sys -> Word32
e_64 :: Word64 -> Elf64 sys
e_from64 :: Elf64 sys -> Word64
e_n :: Word32 -> ElfN sys
e_fromN :: ElfN sys -> Word32
e_abi :: sys -> (ElfMachine sys,ElfABI,ElfBits,ElfOrder)
class (Show (Elf16 sys), Show (Elf32 sys), Show (Elf64 sys), Show (ElfN sys)) => ElfShow sys
instance ElfSystem sys => Show (Elf16 sys) where show = show . e_from16
instance ElfSystem sys => Show (Elf32 sys) where show = show . e_from32
instance ElfSystem sys => Show (Elf64 sys) where show = show . e_from64
data Linux_X86
linux_x86 :: Linux_X86
linux_x86 = linux_x86
instance ElfSystem Linux_X86 where
newtype Elf16 Linux_X86 = Linux_X86_Elf16 Word16
newtype Elf32 Linux_X86 = Linux_X86_Elf32 Word32
newtype Elf64 Linux_X86 = Linux_X86_Elf64 Word64
newtype ElfN Linux_X86 = Linux_X86_ElfN Word32
e_16 = Linux_X86_Elf16
e_from16 (Linux_X86_Elf16 x) = x
e_32 = Linux_X86_Elf32
e_from32 (Linux_X86_Elf32 x) = x
e_64 = Linux_X86_Elf64
e_from64 (Linux_X86_Elf64 x) = x
e_n = Linux_X86_ElfN
e_fromN (Linux_X86_ElfN x) = x
e_abi _ = (EM_X86,EABI_Linux,EB_32,EO_LSB)
instance Serializable Bytes (Elf16 Linux_X86) where
encode p (Linux_X86_Elf16 w) = encode p (LittleEndian w)
instance Format Bytes (Elf16 Linux_X86) where
datum = datum <&> \(LittleEndian w) -> Linux_X86_Elf16 w
instance Serializable Bytes (Elf32 Linux_X86) where
encode p (Linux_X86_Elf32 w) = encode p (LittleEndian w)
instance Format Bytes (Elf32 Linux_X86) where
datum = datum <&> \(LittleEndian w) -> Linux_X86_Elf32 w
instance Serializable Bytes (Elf64 Linux_X86) where
encode p (Linux_X86_Elf64 w) = encode p (LittleEndian w)
instance Format Bytes (Elf64 Linux_X86) where
datum = datum <&> \(LittleEndian w) -> Linux_X86_Elf64 w
instance Serializable Bytes (ElfN Linux_X86) where
encode p (Linux_X86_ElfN w) = encode p (LittleEndian w)
instance Format Bytes (ElfN Linux_X86) where
datum = datum <&> \(LittleEndian w) -> Linux_X86_ElfN w
instance Show (ElfN Linux_X86) where
show (Linux_X86_ElfN x) = show x
instance ElfShow Linux_X86
data Linux_X86_64
linux_x64 :: Linux_X86_64
linux_x64 = linux_x64
instance ElfSystem Linux_X86_64 where
newtype Elf16 Linux_X86_64 = Linux_X86_64_Elf16 Word16
newtype Elf32 Linux_X86_64 = Linux_X86_64_Elf32 Word32
newtype Elf64 Linux_X86_64 = Linux_X86_64_Elf64 Word64
newtype ElfN Linux_X86_64 = Linux_X86_64_ElfN Word64
e_16 = Linux_X86_64_Elf16
e_from16 (Linux_X86_64_Elf16 x) = x
e_32 = Linux_X86_64_Elf32
e_from32 (Linux_X86_64_Elf32 x) = x
e_64 = Linux_X86_64_Elf64
e_from64 (Linux_X86_64_Elf64 x) = x
e_n = Linux_X86_64_ElfN . fromIntegral
e_fromN (Linux_X86_64_ElfN x) = fromIntegral x
e_abi _ = (EM_X86_64,EABI_Linux,EB_64,EO_LSB)
instance Serializable Bytes (Elf16 Linux_X86_64) where
encode p (Linux_X86_64_Elf16 w) = encode p (LittleEndian w)
instance Format Bytes (Elf16 Linux_X86_64) where
datum = datum <&> \(LittleEndian w) -> Linux_X86_64_Elf16 w
instance Serializable Bytes (Elf32 Linux_X86_64) where
encode p (Linux_X86_64_Elf32 w) = encode p (LittleEndian w)
instance Format Bytes (Elf32 Linux_X86_64) where
datum = datum <&> \(LittleEndian w) -> Linux_X86_64_Elf32 w
instance Serializable Bytes (Elf64 Linux_X86_64) where
encode p (Linux_X86_64_Elf64 w) = encode p (LittleEndian w)
instance Format Bytes (Elf64 Linux_X86_64) where
datum = datum <&> \(LittleEndian w) -> Linux_X86_64_Elf64 w
instance Serializable Bytes (ElfN Linux_X86_64) where
encode p (Linux_X86_64_ElfN w) = encode p (LittleEndian w)
instance Format Bytes (ElfN Linux_X86_64) where
datum = datum <&> \(LittleEndian w) -> Linux_X86_64_ElfN w
instance Show (ElfN Linux_X86_64) where
show (Linux_X86_64_ElfN x) = show x
instance ElfShow Linux_X86_64
data Linux_ARM
linux_arm :: Linux_ARM
linux_arm = linux_arm
instance ElfSystem Linux_ARM where
newtype Elf16 Linux_ARM = Linux_ARM_Elf16 Word16
newtype Elf32 Linux_ARM = Linux_ARM_Elf32 Word32
newtype Elf64 Linux_ARM = Linux_ARM_Elf64 Word64
newtype ElfN Linux_ARM = Linux_ARM_ElfN Word32
e_16 = Linux_ARM_Elf16
e_from16 (Linux_ARM_Elf16 x) = x
e_32 = Linux_ARM_Elf32
e_from32 (Linux_ARM_Elf32 x) = x
e_64 = Linux_ARM_Elf64
e_from64 (Linux_ARM_Elf64 x) = x
e_n = Linux_ARM_ElfN
e_fromN (Linux_ARM_ElfN x) = x
e_abi _ = (EM_ARM,EABI_Linux,EB_32,EO_MSB)
instance Serializable Bytes (Elf16 Linux_ARM) where
encode p (Linux_ARM_Elf16 w) = encode p w
instance Format Bytes (Elf16 Linux_ARM) where
datum = datum <&> \w -> Linux_ARM_Elf16 w
instance Serializable Bytes (Elf32 Linux_ARM) where
encode p (Linux_ARM_Elf32 w) = encode p w
instance Format Bytes (Elf32 Linux_ARM) where
datum = datum <&> \w -> Linux_ARM_Elf32 w
instance Serializable Bytes (Elf64 Linux_ARM) where
encode p (Linux_ARM_Elf64 w) = encode p w
instance Format Bytes (Elf64 Linux_ARM) where
datum = datum <&> \w -> Linux_ARM_Elf64 w
instance Serializable Bytes (ElfN Linux_ARM) where
encode p (Linux_ARM_ElfN w) = encode p w
instance Format Bytes (ElfN Linux_ARM) where
datum = datum <&> \w -> Linux_ARM_ElfN w
instance Show (ElfN Linux_ARM) where
show (Linux_ARM_ElfN x) = show x
instance ElfShow Linux_ARM
instance ElfSystem sys => Eq (Elf16 sys) where a == b = e_from16 a == e_from16 b
instance ElfSystem sys => Ord (Elf16 sys) where compare = comparing e_from16
instance ElfSystem sys => Eq (Elf32 sys) where a == b = e_from32 a == e_from32 b
instance ElfSystem sys => Ord (Elf32 sys) where compare = comparing e_from32
instance ElfSystem sys => Eq (Elf64 sys) where a == b = e_from64 a == e_from64 b
instance ElfSystem sys => Ord (Elf64 sys) where compare = comparing e_from64
instance ElfSystem sys => Eq (ElfN sys) where a == b = e_fromN a == e_fromN b
instance ElfSystem sys => Ord (ElfN sys) where compare = comparing e_fromN
data ElfFlags t = ElfFlags (Set t)
deriving Show
fromFlagList l = ElfFlags (fromKList [x | (b,x) <- l, b])
isFlagSet f (ElfFlags fs) = f`isKeyIn`fs
class HasFlagOps t where
nullFlag :: t
addFlags :: t -> t -> t
hasFlags :: t -> t -> Bool
instance HasFlagOps Word8 where
nullFlag = 0
addFlags = (.|.)
hasFlags x y = (x .&. y) == y
instance ElfSystem sys => HasFlagOps (Elf16 sys) where
nullFlag = e_16 0
addFlags x y = e_16 (e_from16 x .|. e_from16 y)
hasFlags x y = (e_from16 x .&. e_from16 y) == e_from16 y
instance ElfSystem sys => HasFlagOps (Elf32 sys) where
nullFlag = e_32 0
addFlags x y = e_32 (e_from32 x .|. e_from32 y)
hasFlags x y = (e_from32 x .&. e_from32 y) == e_from32 y
instance ElfSystem sys => HasFlagOps (Elf64 sys) where
nullFlag = e_64 0
addFlags x y = e_64 (e_from64 x .|. e_from64 y)
hasFlags x y = (e_from64 x .&. e_from64 y) == e_from64 y
instance ElfSystem sys => HasFlagOps (ElfN sys) where
nullFlag = e_n 0
addFlags x y = e_n (e_fromN x .|. e_fromN y)
hasFlags x y = (e_fromN x .&. e_fromN y) == e_fromN y
instance (ElfEnum flags u,HasFlagOps u,Serializable Bytes u) => Serializable Bytes (ElfFlags flags) where
encode p (ElfFlags fs) = encode p (foldr addFlags nullFlag (map fromElfEnum fs))
instance (ElfEnum flags u,Ord flags,HasFlagOps u,Format Bytes u) => Format Bytes (ElfFlags flags) where
datum = datum <&> \x -> ElfFlags $ compose [touch f | f <- [minBound..maxBound], hasFlags x (fromElfEnum f)] zero
toElfEnum_default :: (Eq u,Enum t,Bounded t,ElfEnum t u) => u -> Maybe t
toElfEnum_default u = case [x | x <- [minBound..maxBound], fromElfEnum x == u] of
h:_ -> Just h
[] -> Nothing
class (Eq u,Ord t,Enum t,Bounded t) => ElfEnum t u | t -> u where
fromElfEnum :: t -> u
toElfEnum :: u -> Maybe t
toElfEnum = toElfEnum_default
data Elf sys = Elf {
e_type :: ElfType sys,
e_entry :: ElfN sys,
e_sections :: [ElfSection sys]
data ElfSection sys = ElfSection {
es_name :: String,
es_contents :: ElfSectionContents sys
data ElfSectionContents sys = ElfSymTab {
esc_symbols :: Map String (String,ElfN sys)
| ElfProgbits {
esc_vaddr :: ElfN sys,
esc_flags :: (Bool,Bool,Bool),
esc_data :: Bytes
deriving instance ElfShow sys => Show (ElfSection sys)
deriving instance ElfShow sys => Show (ElfSectionContents sys)
deriving instance ElfShow sys => Show (Elf sys)
enumEncode :: (ElfEnum t u, Serializable Bytes u) => t -> Builder
enumEncode x = encode (Proxy :: Proxy Bytes) (fromElfEnum x)
enumDatum :: (ElfEnum t u, Format Bytes u) => Parser Bytes t
enumDatum = datum >>= \x -> case toElfEnum x of
Just a -> return a
_ -> noParse
data ElfABI = EABI_Linux
deriving (Eq,Ord,Bounded,Enum,Show)
instance ElfEnum ElfABI Word8 where
fromElfEnum EABI_SysV = 0
fromElfEnum EABI_Linux = 3
instance Serializable Bytes ElfABI where encode _ = enumEncode
instance Format Bytes ElfABI where datum = enumDatum
data ElfBits = EB_32 | EB_64
deriving (Eq,Ord,Bounded,Enum,Show)
instance ElfEnum ElfBits Word8 where
fromElfEnum EB_32 = 1
fromElfEnum EB_64 = 2
instance Serializable Bytes ElfBits where encode _ = enumEncode
instance Format Bytes ElfBits where datum = enumDatum
data ElfOrder = EO_LSB | EO_MSB
deriving (Eq,Ord,Bounded,Enum,Show)
instance ElfEnum ElfOrder Word8 where
fromElfEnum EO_LSB = 1
fromElfEnum EO_MSB = 2
instance Serializable Bytes ElfOrder where encode _ = enumEncode
instance Format Bytes ElfOrder where datum = enumDatum
data ElfType sys = ET_Exec
| ET_Rel
| ET_Dyn
deriving (Eq,Ord,Bounded,Enum,Show)
instance ElfSystem sys => ElfEnum (ElfType sys) (Elf16 sys) where
fromElfEnum ET_Rel = e_16 1
fromElfEnum ET_Exec = e_16 2
fromElfEnum ET_Dyn = e_16 3
instance ElfSystem sys => Serializable Bytes (ElfType sys) where encode _ = enumEncode
instance ElfSystem sys => Format Bytes (ElfType sys) where datum = enumDatum
data ElfMachine sys = EM_X86 | EM_X86_64 | EM_ARM
deriving (Eq,Ord,Bounded,Enum,Show)
instance ElfSystem sys => ElfEnum (ElfMachine sys) (Elf16 sys) where
fromElfEnum EM_X86 = e_16 3
fromElfEnum EM_X86_64 = e_16 62
fromElfEnum EM_ARM = e_16 40
instance ElfSystem sys => Serializable Bytes (ElfMachine sys) where encode _ = enumEncode
instance ElfSystem sys => Format Bytes (ElfMachine sys) where datum = enumDatum
natSize :: (ElfSystem sys,Num n) => sys -> n
natSize sys = case b of EB_32 -> 4 ; EB_64 -> 8
where (_,_,b,_) = e_abi sys
ehSize sys = natSize sys*3 + 40 :: Word16
phEntSize sys = 8 + 6*natSize sys :: Word16
shEntSize sys = 16 + 6*natSize sys :: Word16
stEntSize sys = 8 + 2*natSize sys :: Word16
sHT_NULL = 0
pT_LOAD = 1
eH_MAGIC = 0x7f454c46
data ElfIdent = ElfIdent {
ei_magic :: Word32,
ei_bits :: ElfBits,
ei_order :: ElfOrder,
ei_elfVersion :: Word8,
ei_abi :: ElfABI,
ei_abiVersion :: Word8,
ei_identPad :: (Word8,Word16,Word32)
deriving (Generic,Show)
instance Serializable Bytes ElfIdent
instance Format Bytes ElfIdent
data ElfHeader sys = ElfHeader {
eh_ident :: ElfIdent,
eh_type :: ElfType sys,
eh_machine :: ElfMachine sys,
eh_fileVersion :: Elf32 sys,
eh_entry, eh_phoff, eh_shoff :: ElfN sys,
eh_flags :: Elf32 sys,
eh_ehsize, eh_phentsize, eh_phnum, eh_shentsize, eh_shnum, eh_shstrndx :: Elf16 sys
deriving Generic
deriving instance ElfShow sys => Show (ElfHeader sys)
instance ElfSystem sys => Serializable Bytes (ElfHeader sys)
instance ElfSystem sys => Format Bytes (ElfHeader sys)
data ElfPHType sys = PHT_Load
| PHT_Dynamic
| PHT_Interp
| PHT_Note
| PHT_GNU_Stack
| PHT_GNU_EH_Frame
deriving (Eq,Ord,Enum,Bounded,Show)
instance ElfSystem sys => ElfEnum (ElfPHType sys) (Elf32 sys) where
fromElfEnum PHT_Load = e_32 1
fromElfEnum PHT_Dynamic = e_32 2
fromElfEnum PHT_Interp = e_32 3
fromElfEnum PHT_Note = e_32 4
fromElfEnum PHT_GNU_EH_Frame = e_32 0x6474e550
fromElfEnum PHT_GNU_Stack = e_32 0x6474e551
fromElfEnum PHT_GNU_RelRO = e_32 0x6474e552
instance ElfSystem sys => Serializable Bytes (ElfPHType sys) where encode _ = enumEncode
instance ElfSystem sys => Format Bytes (ElfPHType sys) where datum = enumDatum
data ElfProgramHeaderFlag sys = EPH_Read | EPH_Write | EPH_Exec
deriving (Eq,Ord,Enum,Bounded,Show)
instance ElfSystem sys => ElfEnum (ElfProgramHeaderFlag sys) (Elf32 sys) where
fromElfEnum EPH_Exec = e_32 1
fromElfEnum EPH_Write = e_32 2
fromElfEnum EPH_Read = e_32 4
data ElfProgramHeader sys = ElfProgramHeader {
eph_type :: ElfPHType sys,
eph_flags :: ElfFlags (ElfProgramHeaderFlag sys),
eph_offset, eph_vaddr, eph_paddr,
eph_filesz, eph_memsz, eph_align :: ElfN sys
deriving instance ElfShow sys => Show (ElfProgramHeader sys)
instance ElfSystem sys => Serializable Bytes (ElfProgramHeader sys) where
encode p (ElfProgramHeader t f o va pa fs ms al) = case bits of
EB_32 -> encode p (t,o,va,pa,fs,ms,f,al)
EB_64 -> encode p (t,f,o,va,pa,fs,ms,al)
where (_,_,bits,_) = e_abi (undefined :: sys)
instance ElfSystem sys => Format Bytes (ElfProgramHeader sys) where
datum = case bits of
EB_32 -> datum <&> \(t,o,va,pa,fs,ms,f,al) -> ElfProgramHeader t f o va pa fs ms al
EB_64 -> datum <&> \(t,f,o,va,pa,fs,ms,al) -> ElfProgramHeader t f o va pa fs ms al
where (_,_,bits,_) = e_abi (undefined :: sys)
data ElfSHType sys = SHT_SymTab
| SHT_ProgBits
| SHT_NoBits
| SHT_StrTab
| SHT_Rel
| SHT_Rela
| SHT_Hash
| SHT_Note
| SHT_Fini_Array
| SHT_Init_Array
| SHT_Dynamic
| SHT_GNU_Hash
| SHT_GNU_VerSym
| SHT_GNU_VerNeeded
| SHT_Null
| SHT_DynSym
deriving (Eq,Ord,Bounded,Enum,Show)
instance ElfSystem sys => ElfEnum (ElfSHType sys) (Elf32 sys) where
fromElfEnum SHT_Null = e_32 0
fromElfEnum SHT_ProgBits = e_32 1
fromElfEnum SHT_SymTab = e_32 2
fromElfEnum SHT_StrTab = e_32 3
fromElfEnum SHT_Rela = e_32 4
fromElfEnum SHT_Hash = e_32 5
fromElfEnum SHT_Dynamic = e_32 6
fromElfEnum SHT_Rel = e_32 9
fromElfEnum SHT_NoBits = e_32 8
fromElfEnum SHT_Note = e_32 7
fromElfEnum SHT_Fini_Array = e_32 15
fromElfEnum SHT_Init_Array = e_32 14
fromElfEnum SHT_DynSym = e_32 11
fromElfEnum SHT_GNU_Hash = e_32 0x6ffffff6
fromElfEnum SHT_GNU_VerSym = e_32 0x6fffffff
fromElfEnum SHT_GNU_VerNeeded = e_32 0x6ffffffe
instance ElfSystem sys => Serializable Bytes (ElfSHType sys) where encode p = enumEncode
instance ElfSystem sys => Format Bytes (ElfSHType sys) where datum = enumDatum
data ElfSectionHeaderFlag sys = SHF_Write | SHF_Alloc | SHF_ExecInstr | SHF_MaskProc
deriving (Eq,Ord,Enum,Bounded,Show)
instance ElfSystem sys => ElfEnum (ElfSectionHeaderFlag sys) (ElfN sys) where
fromElfEnum SHF_Write = e_n 1
fromElfEnum SHF_Alloc = e_n 2
fromElfEnum SHF_ExecInstr = e_n 4
fromElfEnum SHF_MaskProc = e_n 0xf0000000
data ElfSectionHeader sys = ElfSectionHeader {
esh_name :: Elf32 sys,
esh_type :: ElfSHType sys,
esh_flags :: ElfFlags (ElfSectionHeaderFlag sys),
esh_addr, esh_offset, esh_size :: ElfN sys,
esh_link, esh_info :: Elf32 sys,
esh_addralign, esh_entsize :: ElfN sys
deriving Generic
deriving instance ElfShow sys => Show (ElfSectionHeader sys)
instance ElfSystem sys => Serializable Bytes (ElfSectionHeader sys)
instance ElfSystem sys => Format Bytes (ElfSectionHeader sys)
nullSectionHeader :: ElfSystem sys => ElfSectionHeader sys
nullSectionHeader = ElfSectionHeader (e_32 0) SHT_Null (ElfFlags zero) (e_n 0) (e_n 0) (e_n 0) (e_32 0) (e_32 0) (e_n 0) (e_n 0)
data ElfSymType = EST_NoType
| EST_Object
| EST_Func
| EST_File
| EST_Section
deriving (Eq,Ord,Bounded,Enum,Show)
instance ElfEnum ElfSymType Word8 where
fromElfEnum EST_NoType = 0
fromElfEnum EST_Object = 1
fromElfEnum EST_Func = 2
fromElfEnum EST_Section = 3
fromElfEnum EST_File = 4
data ElfSymBind = ESB_Local
| ESB_Global
| ESB_Weak
| ESB_LoProc | ESB_HiProc
deriving (Eq,Ord,Bounded,Enum,Show)
instance ElfEnum ElfSymBind Word8 where
fromElfEnum ESB_Local = 0
fromElfEnum ESB_Global = 1
fromElfEnum ESB_Weak = 2
fromElfEnum ESB_LoProc = 13
fromElfEnum ESB_HiProc = 15
data ElfSymInfo = ElfSymInfo {
esyi_type :: ElfSymType,
esyi_bind :: ElfSymBind
deriving Show
instance Serializable Bytes ElfSymInfo where
encode p (ElfSymInfo t b) = encode p (fromElfEnum t .|. (fromElfEnum b `shiftL` 4))
instance Format Bytes ElfSymInfo where
datum = datum >>= \x -> case (toElfEnum (x .&. 0xf), toElfEnum (x`shiftR`4)) of
(Just t,Just b) -> return (ElfSymInfo t b)
_ -> noParse
data ElfSymVisibility = ESV_Default | ESV_Internal | ESV_Hidden | ESV_Protected
deriving (Eq,Ord,Enum,Bounded,Show)
instance ElfEnum ElfSymVisibility Word8 where
fromElfEnum ESV_Default = 0
fromElfEnum ESV_Internal = 1
fromElfEnum ESV_Hidden = 2
fromElfEnum ESV_Protected = 3
instance Serializable Bytes ElfSymVisibility where encode p = enumEncode
instance Format Bytes ElfSymVisibility where datum = enumDatum
data ElfSym sys = ElfSym {
esy_name :: Elf32 sys,
esy_info :: ElfSymInfo,
esy_visibility :: ElfSymVisibility,
esy_shndx :: Elf16 sys,
esy_value, esy_size :: ElfN sys
deriving Generic
deriving instance ElfShow sys => Show (ElfSym sys)
instance ElfSystem sys => Serializable Bytes (ElfSym sys) where
encode p (ElfSym n i o ndx v sz) = case bits of
EB_32 -> encode p (n,v,sz,i,o,ndx)
EB_64 -> encode p (n,i,o,ndx,v,sz)
where (_,_,bits,_) = e_abi (undefined :: sys)
instance ElfSystem sys => Format Bytes (ElfSym sys) where
datum = case bits of
EB_32 -> datum <&> \(n,v,sz,i,o,ndx) -> ElfSym n i o ndx v sz
EB_64 -> datum <&> \(n,i,o,ndx,v,sz) -> ElfSym n i o ndx v sz
where (_,_,bits,_) = e_abi (undefined :: sys)
nullSym :: ElfSystem sys => ElfSym sys
nullSym = ElfSym (e_32 0) (ElfSymInfo EST_NoType ESB_Local) ESV_Default (e_16 0) (e_n 0) (e_n 0)
data ElfRelType sys = ERT_None
| ERT_Direct8 | ERT_Direct16 | ERT_Direct32
| ERT_PC8 | ERT_PC16 | ERT_PC32
| ERT_Other
deriving (Eq,Ord,Enum,Bounded,Show)
instance ElfSystem sys => ElfEnum (ElfRelType sys) Word8 where
fromElfEnum = case mac of
EM_X86_64 -> encode_x86_64
EM_X86 -> encode_x86
EM_ARM -> encode_arm
(mac,_,_,_) = e_abi (undefined :: sys)
encode_x86_64 ERT_None = 0
encode_x86_64 ERT_Direct8 = 14
encode_x86_64 ERT_Direct16 = 12
encode_x86_64 ERT_Direct32 = 10
encode_x86_64 ERT_PC8 = 15
encode_x86_64 ERT_PC16 = 13
encode_x86_64 ERT_PC32 = 2
encode_x86_64 ERT_Other = 255
encode_x86 ERT_None = 0
encode_x86 ERT_Direct8 = 22
encode_x86 ERT_Direct16 = 20
encode_x86 ERT_Direct32 = 1
encode_x86 ERT_PC8 = 23
encode_x86 ERT_PC16 = 21
encode_x86 ERT_PC32 = 2
encode_x86 ERT_Other = 255
encode_arm ERT_None = 0
encode_arm ERT_Direct8 = 8
encode_arm ERT_Direct16 = 5
encode_arm ERT_Direct32 = 2
encode_arm ERT_PC8 = 0
encode_arm ERT_PC16 = 0
encode_arm ERT_PC32 = 0
encode_arm ERT_Other = 255
toElfEnum x = Just (fromMaybe ERT_Other (toElfEnum_default x))
data ElfRelInfo sys = ElfRelInfo {
eri_sym :: Elf32 sys,
eri_type :: ElfRelType sys
deriving Show
instance ElfSystem sys => Serializable Bytes (ElfRelInfo sys) where
encode p (ElfRelInfo s t) = case bits of
EB_32 -> encode p (e_32 $ (e_from32 s`shiftL`8) .&. fromIntegral (fromElfEnum t) :: Elf32 sys)
EB_64 -> encode p (e_64 $ (fromIntegral (e_from32 s)`shiftL`32) .&. fromIntegral (fromElfEnum t) :: Elf64 sys)
where (_,_,bits,_) = e_abi (undefined :: sys)
instance ElfSystem sys => Format Bytes (ElfRelInfo sys) where
datum = case bits of
EB_32 -> datum >>= \x -> case toElfEnum (fromIntegral (e_from32 x)) of
Just t -> return $ ElfRelInfo (e_32 (e_from32 (x :: Elf32 sys)`shiftR`8)) t
Nothing -> noParse
EB_64 -> datum >>= \x -> case toElfEnum (fromIntegral (e_from64 x)) of
Just t -> return $ ElfRelInfo (e_32 (fromIntegral (e_from64 (x :: Elf64 sys)`shiftR`32))) t
Nothing -> noParse
where (_,_,bits,_) = e_abi (undefined :: sys)
data ElfRel sys = ElfRel {
er_offset :: ElfN sys,
er_info :: ElfRelInfo sys
deriving Generic
deriving instance (ElfShow sys, ElfSystem sys) => Show (ElfRel sys)
instance ElfSystem sys => Serializable Bytes (ElfRel sys)
instance ElfSystem sys => Format Bytes (ElfRel sys)
data ElfRela sys = ElfRela {
era_offset :: ElfN sys,
era_info :: ElfRelInfo sys,
era_addend :: ElfN sys
deriving Generic
deriving instance (ElfShow sys,ElfSystem sys) => Show (ElfRela sys)
instance ElfSystem sys => Serializable Bytes (ElfRela sys)
instance ElfSystem sys => Format Bytes (ElfRela sys)
instance forall sys. ElfSystem sys => Serializable Bytes (Elf sys) where
encode p (Elf t entry progs) = ehdr + fold [by bytesBuilder dat
| ElfSection { es_contents = ElfProgbits { esc_data = dat } } <- progs]
+ fold pHdrs + fold sHdrs + by bytesBuilder strTable
+ fold symtabs
where vers :: Num n => n ; vers = 1
enc16 n = encode p (e_16 n :: Elf16 sys)
enc32 n = encode p (e_32 n :: Elf32 sys)
encN n = encode p (e_n n :: ElfN sys)
sys = sys :: sys
(m,a,b,o) = e_abi sys
phNum = fromIntegral (length [() | ElfSection { es_contents = ElfProgbits { } } <- progs]) :: Word16
shNum = fromIntegral (length progs) + 2 :: Word16
progOff = fromIntegral (ehSize sys)
phOff = progOff + fromIntegral (fold [bytesSize dat | ElfSection { es_contents = ElfProgbits { esc_data = dat } } <- progs])
shOff = phOff + fromIntegral (phEntSize sys) * fromIntegral phNum
strTOff = shOff + fromIntegral (shEntSize sys) * fromIntegral shNum
symTOff = strTOff + fromIntegral (bytesSize strTable)
ehdr = encode p (ElfHeader
(ElfIdent eH_MAGIC b o 1 a 0 (0,0,0))
t m (e_32 1)
entry (e_n phOff) (e_n shOff)
(e_32 0)
(e_16 $ ehSize sys)
(e_16 $ phEntSize sys) (e_16 phNum)
(e_16 $ shEntSize sys) (e_16 shNum)
(e_16 1))
hdrOffs = mapAccum_ withOff progs (progOff,symTOff)
where withOff p@(ElfSection _ (ElfProgbits _ _ dat)) (offP,offS) = ((off',offS),(offP,p))
where off' = offP+fromIntegral (bytesSize dat)
withOff p@(ElfSection _ (ElfSymTab syms)) (offP,offS) = ((offP,offS'),(offS,p))
where offS' = offS+fromIntegral (stEntSize sys * size syms)
pHdrs = map pHdr hdrOffs
where pHdr (off,ElfSection { es_contents = ElfProgbits vaddr (r,w,x) dat }) = encode p ElfProgramHeader {
eph_type = PHT_Load,
eph_flags = fromFlagList [(r,EPH_Read),(w,EPH_Write),(x,EPH_Exec)],
eph_offset = e_n off, eph_vaddr = vaddr, eph_paddr = e_n 0,
eph_filesz = e_n sz, eph_memsz = e_n sz,
eph_align = e_n 4096
where sz = fromIntegral (bytesSize dat)
pHdr _ = zero
sHdrs = map (encode p) (nullSectionHeader : strTHdr : map sHdr hdrOffs :: [ElfSectionHeader sys])
where sHdr (off,ElfSection nm (ElfProgbits vaddr (r,w,x) dat)) = nullSectionHeader {
esh_name = e_32 (strIndex nm),
esh_type = SHT_ProgBits,
esh_flags = fromFlagList [(w,SHF_Write),(r,SHF_Alloc),(x,SHF_ExecInstr)],
esh_addr = vaddr, esh_offset = e_n off, esh_size = e_n sz
where sz = fromIntegral (bytesSize dat)
sHdr (off,ElfSection nm (ElfSymTab syms)) = nullSectionHeader {
esh_name = e_32 (strIndex nm),
esh_type = SHT_SymTab,
esh_offset = e_n off, esh_size = e_n sz,
esh_entsize = e_n (fromIntegral $ stEntSize sys),
esh_link = e_32 1, esh_info = e_32 (size syms)
where sz = fromIntegral (stEntSize sys * size syms)
strTHdr = nullSectionHeader {
esh_type = SHT_StrTab,
esh_offset = e_n strTOff, esh_size = e_n (fromIntegral $ bytesSize strTable)
symbols = map es_name progs + [s | ElfSection _ (ElfSymTab syms) <- progs, s <- keys syms]
strIndex nm = fromIntegral (fromMaybe 0 (lookup nm nmInds))
where nmInds = c'map $ fromAList $ mapAccum_ (\nm acc -> (acc+length nm+1,(nm,acc))) symbols 1
strTable = stringBytes (foldMap ('\0':) symbols + "\0")
symtabs = map stHdr hdrOffs
where stHdr (_,ElfSection _ (ElfSymTab syms)) = fold [sym n s v | (n,(s,v)) <- syms^.ascList]
stHdr _ = zero
sym n s v = let shndx = head [i | (s',i) <- zip (map es_name progs) [2..], s==s']
in encode p nullSym { esy_visibility = ESV_Protected,
esy_name = e_32 (strIndex n),
esy_value = v,
esy_shndx = e_16 shndx }
instance ElfSystem sys => Enum (Elf16 sys) where
toEnum n = e_16 (toEnum n)
fromEnum x = fromEnum (e_from16 x)
instance ElfSystem sys => Num (Elf16 sys) where
x + y = e_16 (e_from16 x P.+ e_from16 y)
x * y = e_16 (e_from16 x P.* e_from16 y)
abs x = e_16 (abs (e_from16 x))
signum x = e_16 (signum (e_from16 x))
negate x = e_16 (negate (e_from16 x))
fromInteger n = e_16 (fromInteger n)
instance ElfSystem sys => Real (Elf16 sys) where
toRational x = toRational (e_from16 x)
instance ElfSystem sys => Integral (Elf16 sys) where
quotRem x y = (e_16<#>e_16) (quotRem (e_from16 x) (e_from16 y))
toInteger x = toInteger (e_from16 x)
instance ElfSystem sys => Enum (Elf32 sys) where
toEnum n = e_32 (toEnum n)
fromEnum x = fromEnum (e_from32 x)
instance ElfSystem sys => Num (Elf32 sys) where
x + y = e_32 (e_from32 x P.+ e_from32 y)
x * y = e_32 (e_from32 x P.* e_from32 y)
abs x = e_32 (abs (e_from32 x))
signum x = e_32 (signum (e_from32 x))
negate x = e_32 (negate (e_from32 x))
fromInteger n = e_32 (fromInteger n)
instance ElfSystem sys => Real (Elf32 sys) where
toRational x = toRational (e_from32 x)
instance ElfSystem sys => Integral (Elf32 sys) where
quotRem x y = (e_32<#>e_32) (quotRem (e_from32 x) (e_from32 y))
toInteger x = toInteger (e_from32 x)
instance ElfSystem sys => Enum (Elf64 sys) where
toEnum n = e_64 (toEnum n)
fromEnum x = fromEnum (e_from64 x)
instance ElfSystem sys => Num (Elf64 sys) where
x + y = e_64 (e_from64 x P.+ e_from64 y)
x * y = e_64 (e_from64 x P.* e_from64 y)
abs x = e_64 (abs (e_from64 x))
signum x = e_64 (signum (e_from64 x))
negate x = e_64 (negate (e_from64 x))
fromInteger n = e_64 (fromInteger n)
instance ElfSystem sys => Real (Elf64 sys) where
toRational x = toRational (e_from64 x)
instance ElfSystem sys => Integral (Elf64 sys) where
quotRem x y = (e_64<#>e_64) (quotRem (e_from64 x) (e_from64 y))
toInteger x = toInteger (e_from64 x)
instance ElfSystem sys => Enum (ElfN sys) where
toEnum n = e_n (toEnum n)
fromEnum x = fromEnum (e_fromN x)
instance ElfSystem sys => Num (ElfN sys) where
x + y = e_n (e_fromN x P.+ e_fromN y)
x * y = e_n (e_fromN x P.* e_fromN y)
abs x = e_n (abs (e_fromN x))
signum x = e_n (signum (e_fromN x))
negate x = e_n (negate (e_fromN x))
fromInteger n = e_n (fromInteger n)
instance ElfSystem sys => Real (ElfN sys) where
toRational x = toRational (e_fromN x)
instance ElfSystem sys => Integral (ElfN sys) where
quotRem x y = (e_n<#>e_n) (quotRem (e_fromN x) (e_fromN y))
toInteger x = toInteger (e_fromN x)
sHN_ABS :: Num n => n
sHN_ABS = 65521
instance forall sys. (ElfShow sys, ElfSystem sys) => Format Bytes (Elf sys) where
datum = do
file <- remaining
elfH <- datum
let atOffset :: Integral n => n -> Parser Bytes a -> Parser Bytes a
atOffset off m = do
old <- runStreamState (id <~ \x -> (drop (fromIntegral off) file,x))
m <* runStreamState (put old)
readNRecords :: forall a n en. Integral n => n -> Parser Bytes a -> Parser Bytes [a]
readNRecords n m = for [1..toInteger n] $ \_ -> m
trace (show elfH) unit
secHdrs <- atOffset (eh_shoff elfH) $ do
readNRecords (eh_shnum elfH) datum
progHdrs <- atOffset (eh_phoff elfH) $ do
readNRecords (eh_phnum elfH) datum
addSections <- for (zip [0..] secHdrs) $ \case
(i,ElfSectionHeader { esh_type = SHT_Rela, esh_size, esh_entsize, esh_offset, esh_info, esh_link }) -> do
x <- atOffset esh_offset $ do
readNRecords (esh_size `div` esh_entsize) datum
trace (intercalate "\n" $ map show (x :: [ElfRela sys])) unit
return $ warp (l'2.mat (fromIntegral esh_info).l'2) (+map (esh_link,) x)
(i,ElfSectionHeader { esh_type = SHT_SymTab, esh_size, esh_entsize, esh_offset }) -> do
x <- atOffset esh_offset $ readNRecords (e_fromN esh_size`div`e_fromN esh_entsize) datum
trace (intercalate "\n" $ map show (x :: [ElfSym sys])) unit
return $ compose [warp l'1 (insert (i,j) (fromIntegral esy_shndx,esy_value))
| (j,ElfSym { esy_shndx, esy_value, esy_info = ElfSymInfo { esyi_type } }) <- zip [0..] x
, esy_shndx /= sHN_ABS && (esyi_type `elem` [EST_Func,EST_Object,EST_Section])]
(i,ElfSectionHeader { esh_type = SHT_ProgBits, esh_flags, esh_offset, esh_size }) | isFlagSet SHF_Alloc esh_flags -> do
x <- atOffset esh_offset $ runStreamState (id <~ swap . splitAt (fromIntegral esh_size))
trace (show x) unit
return $ set (l'2.mat (i :: Int).l'1) x
_ -> return id
let (syms,secs) = compose addSections (zero :: (Map (Int,Int) (Int,ElfN sys),Map Int (Bytes,[(Elf32 sys,ElfRela sys)])))
secs' :: Map Int ([(Bytes,ElfRelType sys,Maybe (Int,ElfN sys))],Bytes)
secs' = map (uncurry makeRelative >>> \(x,y,z) -> (reverse z,y)) secs
where makeRelative bs rels = foldl' (\(cur,base,rest)
-> let (h,t) = splitAt (fromIntegral (off P.- cur)) base
in (off,dropRel typ t,(h,typ,lookup (fromIntegral symt,fromIntegral sym) syms):rest))
$ ascList $^ c'map
$ fromAList [(era_offset,(eri_type,symt,eri_sym))
| (symt,ElfRela { era_info = ElfRelInfo { eri_type, eri_sym }
, era_offset }) <- rels
, eri_type /= ERT_Other]
dropRel ERT_PC32 = drop 4
dropRel ERT_PC16 = drop 2
dropRel ERT_PC8 = drop 1
dropRel ERT_Direct32 = drop 4
dropRel ERT_Direct16 = drop 2
dropRel ERT_Direct8 = drop 1
dropRel _ = id
trace (show syms +"\n"+ show secs + "\n" + show secs') unit
let x = secHdrs :: [ElfSectionHeader sys]; y = progHdrs :: [ElfProgramHeader sys]
trace (intercalate "\n" $ map show secHdrs + map show progHdrs) $ return ()
return (Elf (eh_type elfH) (eh_entry elfH) [])