{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, ExistentialQuantification, KindSignatures, UndecidableInstances #-}
module Curly.Core.VCS where

import Curly.Core
import Curly.Core.VCS.Diff
import Curly.Core.Security
import Curly.Core.Documentation
import Definitive
import Language.Format
import System.Process (withCreateProcess)
import qualified System.Process as Sys
import Data.IORef
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import GHC.IO.Handle (hClose)
import IO.Filesystem (modTime)
import IO.Time (currentTime,TimeVal(..))

commitHash :: Commit -> Hash
commitHash c = hashData (serialize c)

type Commit = Compressed (Patch LibraryID Metadata,Maybe Hash)
type Branches = Map String ((PublicKey,String):+:Hash)
data StampedBranches = StampedBranches Int Branches
                     deriving (Show,Generic)
instance Serializable Bytes StampedBranches
instance Format Bytes StampedBranches where
  datum = liftA2 StampedBranches (option 0 datum) datum
instance Lens1 Int Int StampedBranches StampedBranches where
  l'1 = lens (\(StampedBranches x _) -> x) (\(StampedBranches _ x) y -> StampedBranches y x)
instance Lens2 Branches Branches StampedBranches StampedBranches where
  l'2 = lens (\(StampedBranches _ x) -> x) (\(StampedBranches x _) y -> StampedBranches x y)

data VCKey o = LibraryKey LibraryID (Proxy Bytes)
             | AdditionalKey LibraryID String (Proxy (Signed (String,Bytes)))
             | BranchesKey PublicKey (Proxy (Signed StampedBranches))
             | CommitKey Hash (Proxy Commit)
             | OtherKey o
           deriving (Show,Generic)
instance Serializable Bytes o => Serializable Bytes (VCKey o)
instance Format Bytes o => Format Bytes (VCKey o)
instance Serializable Bytes o => Eq (VCKey o) where a==b = compare a b==EQ
instance Serializable Bytes o => Ord (VCKey o) where compare = comparing (\x -> serialize x :: Bytes)
instance Functor VCKey where
  map f (OtherKey o) = OtherKey (f o)
  map _ (LibraryKey a b) = LibraryKey a b
  map _ (AdditionalKey a b c) = AdditionalKey a b c
  map _ (CommitKey a b) = CommitKey a b
  map _ (BranchesKey a b) = BranchesKey a b

class MonadIO vc => MonadVC vc s | vc -> s where
  vcStore :: Serializable Bytes a => s -> (Proxy a -> VCKey ()) -> a -> vc ()
  vcLoad :: Format Bytes a => s -> (Proxy a -> VCKey ()) -> vc (Maybe a)
  runVC :: vc a -> IO a

keyName :: (Proxy a -> VCKey ()) -> String
keyName k = show (B64Chunk (serialize (k Proxy :: VCKey ())^.chunk))

newtype Dummy_VC a = Dummy_VC (IO a)
                   deriving (Functor,SemiApplicative,Unit,Applicative)
instance Monad Dummy_VC where join = coerceJoin Dummy_VC
instance MonadIO Dummy_VC where liftIO = Dummy_VC
instance MonadVC Dummy_VC () where
  vcStore _ _ _ = Dummy_VC unit
  vcLoad _ _ = Dummy_VC (return Nothing)
  runVC (Dummy_VC x) = x

newtype File_VC a = File_VC (IO a)
                  deriving (Functor,SemiApplicative,Unit,Applicative)
instance Monad File_VC where join = coerceJoin File_VC
instance MonadIO File_VC where liftIO = File_VC
instance MonadVC File_VC String where
  vcStore base k v = liftIO $ do
    let f = cacheFileName base (keyName k) "blob"
    createFileDirectory f
    writeSerial f v
  vcLoad base k = liftIO $ do
    try (return Nothing) (Just <$> readFormat (cacheFileName base (keyName k) "blob"))
  runVC (File_VC io) = io

vcsProtoRoots :: IORef [FilePath]
vcsProtoRoots = newIORef []^.thunk
newtype Proto_VC a = Proto_VC (IO a)
                     deriving (Functor,SemiApplicative,Unit,Applicative)
instance Monad Proto_VC where join = coerceJoin Proto_VC
instance MonadIO Proto_VC where liftIO = Proto_VC
instance MonadVC Proto_VC (String,String) where
  vcStore (proto,path) k v = liftIO $ do
    foldr (\dir tryNext ->
            trylog tryNext
            $ withCreateProcess (Sys.proc "sh" [dir+"/"+proto,"put",path,keyName k]) { Sys.std_in = Sys.CreatePipe }
            $ \(Just i) _ _ ph -> writeHSerial i v >> hClose i >> void (Sys.waitForProcess ph))
      unit =<< readIORef vcsProtoRoots
  vcLoad (proto,path) k = liftIO $ do
    foldr (\dir tryNext ->
            trylog tryNext
            $ withCreateProcess (Sys.proc "sh" [dir+"/"+proto,"get",path,keyName k]) { Sys.std_out = Sys.CreatePipe }
            $ \_ (Just o) _ _ -> try (return Nothing) (Just <$> readHFormat o))
      (return Nothing) =<< readIORef vcsProtoRoots
  runVC (Proto_VC io) = io

data Client_Handle = Client_Handle (MVar ()) Handle
newtype Client_VC a = Client_VC (IO a)
                  deriving (Functor,SemiApplicative,Unit,Applicative)
instance Monad Client_VC where join = coerceJoin Client_VC
instance MonadIO Client_VC where liftIO = Client_VC
instance MonadVC Client_VC Client_Handle where
  vcStore (Client_Handle lock conn) k l = liftIO $ withMVar lock $ \_ -> 
    writeHSerial conn ((True,k Proxy),l)
  vcLoad (Client_Handle lock conn) k = liftIO $ withMVar lock $ \_ ->
    try (return Nothing)
    $ runConnection Just False conn
    $ exchange (\r -> (False,k (pMaybe r))) >>= maybe zero pure
  runVC (Client_VC io) = io

newtype Combined_VC vc1 vc2 a = Combined_VC ((vc1 :.: vc2) a)
                              deriving (Functor,SemiApplicative,Unit,Applicative)
combined_lift1 :: (Unit vc2, Functor vc1) => vc1 a -> Combined_VC vc1 vc2 a
combined_lift1 vc1 = Combined_VC (Compose (map return vc1))
instance (MonadVC vc1 _c1, MonadVC vc2 _c2) => Monad (Combined_VC vc1 vc2) where
  join (Combined_VC (Compose vc1212)) = Combined_VC $ Compose $ liftIO $ do
    vc121 <- runVC vc1212
    Combined_VC (Compose vc12) <- runVC vc121
    runVC vc12
instance (MonadVC vc1 _c1) => MonadTrans (Combined_VC vc1) where
  lift vc2 = Combined_VC (Compose $ return vc2)
instance (MonadVC vc1 conn1, MonadVC vc2 conn2) => MonadVC (Combined_VC vc1 vc2) (conn1,conn2) where
  vcStore (c1,c2) k v = do combined_lift1 (vcStore c1 k v); lift (vcStore c2 k v)
  vcLoad (c1,c2) k = do
    v1 <- combined_lift1 (vcLoad c1 k)
    case v1 of
      Just _ -> return v1
      _ -> lift (vcLoad c2 k)
  runVC (Combined_VC (Compose m)) = runVC m >>= runVC

pMaybe :: Proxy (Maybe a) -> Proxy a
pMaybe _ = Proxy
maybeP :: Proxy a -> Proxy (Maybe a)
maybeP _ = Proxy

vcServer :: (?write :: Bytes -> IO (), MonadIO m) => VCSBackend -> ParserT Bytes m ()
vcServer (VCSB_Native _ st run) = do
  (b,k) <- receive
  logLine Verbose ("Received request "+show (b,k))
  if b then case k of
    LibraryKey lid _        -> receive >>= liftIO . run . vcStore st (LibraryKey lid)
    AdditionalKey lid nm _  -> receive >>= liftIO . run . vcStore st (AdditionalKey lid nm)
    CommitKey h _           -> receive >>= liftIO . run . vcStore st (CommitKey h)
    BranchesKey pub _       -> receive >>= liftIO . run . vcStore st (BranchesKey pub)
    OtherKey ()             -> return ()
    else case k of
    LibraryKey lid t        -> sending (maybeP t) =<< liftIO (run $ vcLoad st (LibraryKey lid))
    AdditionalKey lid nm t  -> sending (maybeP t) =<< liftIO (run $ vcLoad st (AdditionalKey lid nm))
    CommitKey h t           -> sending (maybeP t) =<< liftIO (run $ vcLoad st (CommitKey h))
    BranchesKey pub t       -> sending (maybeP t) =<< liftIO (run $ vcLoad st (BranchesKey pub))
    OtherKey ()             -> return ()

vcbStore :: (Serializable Bytes a,MonadIO m) => VCSBackend -> (Proxy a -> VCKey ()) -> a -> m ()
vcbStore (VCSB_Native _ st run) k a = liftIO (run (vcStore st k a))
vcbLoad :: (Format Bytes a,MonadIO m) => VCSBackend -> (Proxy a -> VCKey ()) -> m (Maybe a)
vcbLoad (VCSB_Native _ st run) k = liftIO (run (vcLoad st k))
vcbLoadP :: (Format Bytes a,MonadIO m) => VCSBackend -> (Proxy a -> VCKey ()) -> ParserT s m a
vcbLoadP b k = vcbLoad b k >>= maybe zero return

data VCSBackend = forall m s. MonadVC m s => VCSB_Native [String] s (forall a. m a -> IO a)
instance Semigroup VCSBackend where
  VCSB_Native n conn run + VCSB_Native n' conn' run' =
    VCSB_Native (n+n') (conn,conn') (\(Combined_VC (Compose m)) -> run m >>= run')
instance Eq VCSBackend where a == b = compare a b == EQ
instance Ord VCSBackend where
  compare (VCSB_Native s _ _) (VCSB_Native s' _ _) = compare s s'
dummyBackend :: VCSBackend
dummyBackend = VCSB_Native [] () (\(Dummy_VC io) -> io)
nativeBackend :: String -> PortNumber -> VCSBackend
nativeBackend h p = VCSB_Native ["curly-vc://"+h+":"+show p] (getHandle^.thunk) (\(Client_VC io) -> io)
  where getHandle = liftA2 Client_Handle (newMVar ()) (connectTo h p)
fileBackend :: FilePath -> VCSBackend
fileBackend p = VCSB_Native ["file://"+p] p (\(File_VC io) -> io)
protoBackend :: String -> String -> VCSBackend
protoBackend pr p = VCSB_Native [pr+"://"+p] (pr,p) (\(Proto_VC io) -> io)
instance Show VCSBackend where
  show (VCSB_Native s _ _) = intercalate " " s
instance Read VCSBackend where
  readsPrec _ = readsParser (foldr1 (+) <$> sepBy1' backend nbspace)
    where backend = proto_native <+? proto_file <+? proto_arbitrary <+? fill dummyBackend (several "dummy")
          proto_native = do
            several "curly-vc://" <+? single '@'
            liftA2 nativeBackend
              (many1' (noneOf ": \t\n") <&> \x -> if x=="_" then "" else x)
              (option' 5402 (single ':' >> number))
          proto_file = do
            several "file://" <+? lookingAt (single '/')
            fileBackend <$> many1' (noneOf " \t\n")
          proto_arbitrary = do
            proto <- many1' (satisfy (/=':'))
            several "://"
            protoBackend proto <$> many1' (noneOf " \t\n")

curlyPublisher :: String
curlyPublisher = envVar "" "CURLY_PUBLISHER"

getBranches :: MonadIO m => VCSBackend -> PublicKey -> m StampedBranches
getBranches conn pub = maybe (StampedBranches zero zero) unsafeExtractSigned <$> vcbLoad conn (BranchesKey pub)

getBranch :: MonadIO m => VCSBackend -> Maybe ((PublicKey,String):+:Hash) -> m (Maybe Hash)
getBranch conn = deepBranch'
  where deepBranch' Nothing = return Nothing
        deepBranch' (Just (Right h)) = return (Just h)
        deepBranch' (Just (Left (pub,b))) = deepBranch b pub
        deepBranch b pub = do
          ks <- getKeyStore
          let headFile = cacheFileName curlyCommitDir (show (Zesty (pub,b))) "head"
              getRemoteBranches = do
                createFileDirectory headFile
                getBranches conn pub <*= liftIO . writeSerial headFile
          StampedBranches _ bs <-
            liftIO $ case [ts | (_,pub',_,meta,_) <- toList ks
                              , pub==pub'
                              , Just (Pure ts) <- [meta^.mat "branches".at [b,"update-period"],
                                                   Just (Pure "1s")]] of
              (ts:_) -> do
                htime <- modTime headFile
                now <- currentTime
                let Just t = matches Just (liftA2 (*) number (suffixes $ zip "smhdwMy" (scanl (*) 1 [1,60,60,24,7,4,12]))) ts
                    suffixes l = foldr1 (<+?) [n <$ single c | (c,n) <- l]
                if htime >= Since (now - t)
                  then readFormat headFile
                  else getRemoteBranches
              _ -> getRemoteBranches

          deepBranch' (lookup b bs)

getCommit :: MonadIO m => VCSBackend -> Hash -> m (Map LibraryID Metadata)
getCommit conn = \c -> liftIO $ getAll (Just c)
    getAll (Just c) = cachedCommit c $ do
      comm <- vcbLoad conn (CommitKey c)
      case comm of
        Just (Compressed (p,mh)) -> patch p <$> getAll mh
        Nothing -> do error "Could not reconstruct the commit chain for commit"
    getAll Nothing = return zero
    cachedCommit c def = do
      let commitFile = cacheFileName curlyCommitDir (show (Zesty c)) "index"
      x <- liftIO $ try (return Nothing) (map (Just . unCompressed) $ readFormat commitFile)
      maybe (do createFileDirectory commitFile
                def <*= liftIO . writeSerial commitFile . Compressed) return x