{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ScopedTypeVariables, RecursiveDo, DeriveGeneric #-}
module Curly.Session (
) where
import Control.Concurrent.Chan
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO,killThread,ThreadId)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.DeepSeq (($!!),deepseq)
import Curly.Core
import Curly.Core.Library
import Curly.Core.Parser
import Curly.Core.Peers
import Curly.Core.Security
import Curly.Core.VCS
import Curly.Session.Commands
import Curly.Style
import Curly.UI
import Curly.UI.Options hiding (nbsp,spc)
import Data.IORef
import GHC.IO.Handle (hSetBuffering,hClose,BufferMode(..))
import IO.Filesystem
import Language.Format
import Console.Readline (readline,addHistory,setCompletionEntryFunction)
import System.Directory (removeFile)
import System.Environment
import System.Exit (exitSuccess)
import System.IO (hIsTerminalDevice)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeInterleaveIO)
import System.Posix.Temp (mkstemps)
import System.Process (callProcess,spawnProcess)
isPrefix [] _ = True
isPrefix (x:l) (y:l') = x==y && isPrefix l l'
isPrefix _ _ = False
data ClientPacket = BannerRequest Bool
| LineResponse String
| CompleteRequest String
| EditResponse Bytes
| EndOfTransmission
| PubkeyResponse (Maybe KeyInfo)
| KeyListResponse [(String,KeyFingerprint,Bool)]
deriving Generic
instance Serializable Bytes ClientPacket where
instance Format Bytes ClientPacket where
data ServerPacket = LineRequest
| CompleteResponse [String]
| CommandOutput Bytes
| EditRequest String (Int,Int) Bytes
| CommandAck
| PubkeyRequest String
| KeyGenRequest Bool String
| KeyListRequest
| ServerHasQuit
| CommandLog LogMessage
deriving Generic
instance Serializable Bytes ServerPacket where
instance Format Bytes ServerPacket where
data Connection = Connection {
connClient :: Chan ClientPacket,
connServer :: Chan ServerPacket
data ClientEndPoint = StringClient String
| FileClient String
| LocalClient
| SocketClient Handle
data ServerEndPoint = LocalServer
| SocketServer Handle
serve :: Connection -> ServerPacket -> IO ()
serve conn = writeChan (connServer conn)
connGetContents :: Connection -> IO String
connGetContents (Connection clt srv) = do
clt' <- dupChan clt
fix $ \getC -> unsafeInterleaveIO $ do
writeChan srv LineRequest
(msg,ln) <- fix $ \getRes -> readChan clt' >>= \x -> case x of
LineResponse ln -> return (x,ln)
EndOfTransmission -> return (x,"")
_ -> getRes
lns <- case msg of EndOfTransmission -> return ""; _ -> getC
return (ln + lns)
localEdit ext (l,c) b = do
(tmp,htmp) <- mkstemps "edit-" ext
hClose htmp
writeBytes tmp b
let p:as = words (envVar "vi" "EDITOR")
lineCol = case p of
"emacs" -> "+"+show (l+1)+":"+show (c+1)
"emacsclient" -> "+"+show (l+1)+":"+show (c+1)
"vim" -> "+normal "+show (l+1)+"G"+show (c+1)+"|"
_ -> "+"+show (l+1)
callProcess p (as + [lineCol, tmp])
readBytes tmp <*= \bs -> bs`deepseq`removeFile tmp
runCurlySession :: (?curlyPlex :: CurlyPlex, ?curlyConfig :: CurlyConfig, ?targetParams :: TargetParams) => (ThreadId -> IO ()) -> ClientEndPoint -> ServerEndPoint -> IO ()
runCurlySession thr clt srv = (Connection<$>newChan<*>newChan) >>= \conn -> mdo
let hasLocalClient = case clt of SocketClient _ -> False; _ -> True
user <- case srv of LocalServer -> getConf confInstance<$withSessionState (localServer hasLocalClient thr acc conn)
SocketServer h -> handleServer h conn
(acc,sem) <- case clt of
LocalClient -> (Almighty,) <$> forkMVar (localClient user conn)
SocketClient h -> handleClient (getConf confInstance) h conn
StringClient s -> (Almighty,) <$> forkMVar (stringClient s conn)
FileClient f -> (Almighty,) <$> forkMVar (fileClient f conn)
takeMVar sem
localServer :: (?curlyPlex :: CurlyPlex, ?curlyConfig :: CurlyConfig, ?targetParams :: TargetParams, ?sessionState :: IORef SessionState)
=> Bool -> (ThreadId -> IO ()) -> Access -> Connection -> IO ()
localServer hasLocalClient thr acc conn@(Connection clt srv) = do
forkIO watchSources
start <- newEmptyMVar
compPlex <- newIORef ?curlyPlex
term <- setupTermFromEnv
let ?terminal = term
let getClientKeys = do
clt <- dupChan (connClient conn)
serve conn KeyListRequest
until $ do
x <- readChan clt
return $ case x of
KeyListResponse r -> Just r
_ -> Nothing
forkIO $ while $ do
pkt <- readChan clt
plex <- readIORef compPlex
let ?curlyPlex = plex in case pkt of
CompleteRequest ln -> try (writeChan srv (CompleteResponse []) >> return True) $ withMountain $ do
w <- getSession wd
pats <- getSession patterns
ks <- getKeyStore
clientKeyNames <- unsafeInterleaveIO getClientKeys <&> map (by l'1)
let completePath base onlyDirs p =
case matches Just (liftA2 (\p b -> if b || empty p then p+[""] else p)
(symPath "")
(option' False (True <$ single '.'))) p of
Just path -> let i = init path ; lst = last path
in [showSymPath (i + s'')
| Join (ModDir n) <- localContext^??atMs (subPath base i)
, (s',sub) <- n
, lst`isPrefix`s'
, s'' <- if has t'Join sub
then if not onlyDirs
|| has (t'Join.iso (\(ModDir d) -> d) ModDir .each.l'2.t'Join) sub
then [[s'],[s',""]]
else [[s']]
else if not onlyDirs
then [[s']] else []]
Nothing -> []
completeAbsPath _ x ('.':p) = map ('.':) $ completePath [] x p
completeAbsPath b x p = completePath b x p
completeWord l s = [s' | s' <- l, s`isPrefix`s']
completeCommand = completeWord (commandNames + ["import","define","type","family"])
completeKeyName = completeWord (keys ks)
completeClientKeyName = completeWord clientKeyNames
completeBranchName k = completeWord brancheNames
where brancheNames = keys (getVCSBranches k^.thunk.l'2)
completeVCSFlags [] = []
completeVCSFlags [f] = completeWord ["-add","-keep","-drop"] f
completeVCSFlags ["-add",p] = completeAbsPath w False p
completeVCSFlags ["-keep",x] = completeWord ["maximum","minimum"] x
completeVCSFlags ["-drop",x] = completeWord ["maximum","minimum"] x
completeVCSFlags (_:t) = completeVCSFlags t
beginning = matches (const True) nbsp (reverse ln)
lnWords = words ln & \l -> if beginning || empty l then l+[""] else l
writeChan srv . CompleteResponse $!! case lnWords of
[] -> completeCommand ""
[cmd] -> completeCommand cmd
["help",cmd] -> completeCommand cmd
("help":_) -> []
["style",_,tp] -> completeWord ["color","bgcolor","display","underline","italic","bold","indent","prefix","word-wrap"] tp
["style",_,"display",tp] -> completeWord ["none","line","block","inline"] tp
["style",_,x,tp] | x`elem`["underline","bold","italic"] -> completeWord ["none","true","false"] tp
| x`elem`["color","bgcolor"] -> completeWord ("none":keys colorNames) tp
["key",cmd] -> completeWord ["access","list","gen","del","set","unset","meta","grant","export","import"] cmd
["key","grant",acc] -> completeWord (map show [Deny .. maxBound]) acc
["key","grant",_,k] -> completeKeyName k
["key","export",k] -> completeKeyName k
["key","export",_,t] -> completeWord ["proof"] t
["key","import",k] -> completeKeyName k
["key","import",_,k] -> completeClientKeyName k
["key","set",k] -> completeKeyName k
["key","meta",k] -> completeKeyName k
["key","unset",k] -> completeKeyName k
["key","gen",t] -> completeWord ["client","server"] t
["key","del",k] -> completeClientKeyName k + completeKeyName k + completeWord ["client","server"] k
["key","del","client",k] -> completeClientKeyName k
["key","del","server",k] -> completeKeyName k
("key":_) -> []
["show",p] -> completeAbsPath w False p
["show",_,k] -> completeWord (keys pats) k
["repository",c] -> completeWord ["info","list","add","get","commit","checkout","branch","browse"] c
["repository","list",t] -> completeWord (keys pats) t
["repository","list",_,k] -> completeKeyName k
["repository","list",_,k,b] -> completeBranchName k b
["repository","get",x] -> completeWord ["source","library"] x
["repository","commit",b] -> completeBranchName curlyPublisher b
("repository":"commit":_:t) -> completeVCSFlags t
["repository","branch",b] -> completeBranchName curlyPublisher b
["repository","branch",_,c] -> completeWord ["fork","alias","rename","delete"] c
["repository","branch",_,c,u] | c`elem`["fork","alias"] -> completeKeyName u
["repository","branch",_,c,u,b] | c`elem`["fork","alias"] -> completeBranchName u b
("repository":_) -> []
["clean",p] -> completeAbsPath w False p
["pattern",p] -> completeWord (keys pats) p
["configure",p] -> completeWord [show n+":"+s | (n,s) <- zip [0..] (curlyFiles ?curlyConfig)] p
["compareTypes",x] -> completeWord ["shape","constraints"] x
["cd",p] -> completeAbsPath w True p
["ls",p] -> completeAbsPath w True p
("import":t) -> completeAbsPath [] False (last t)
(_:t) -> completeAbsPath w False (last t)
return True
EndOfTransmission -> return False
BannerRequest b -> True <$ do
when b (serve conn (CommandOutput (stringBytes (getConf confBanner))))
putMVar start ()
_ -> return True
let getK n = do
clt <- dupChan (connClient conn)
serve conn (PubkeyRequest n)
until $ do
x <- readChan clt
return $ case x of
PubkeyResponse r -> Just r
_ -> Nothing
keyList | hasLocalClient = return []
| otherwise = getClientKeys
genK b n = serve conn (KeyGenRequest b n)
doEdit ext (l,c) b = do
clt <- dupChan (connClient conn)
serve conn (EditRequest ext (l,c) b)
b' <- until $ do
x <- readChan clt
return $ case x of
EditResponse r -> Just r
_ -> Nothing
return (b' <$ guard (b/=b'))
let ?serve = serve conn . CommandOutput
?quitSession = serve conn ServerHasQuit
?access = acc
?clientOps = KeyOps getK genK keyList
let ?edit = if acc>=Write then doEdit else \_ _ _ -> do
serveStrLn "Error: Unauthorized write request"
return Nothing
?killServer = if acc>=Admin then case getConf confThreads of
Nothing -> serveStrLn "No server to kill"
Just (tid1,tid2,subs) -> do
serveStrLn (format "Killing server '%s'" (getConf confInstance))
(_,subm) <- readIORef subs
traverse_ killThread (tid1:tid2:toList subm)
else unit
let ?subSession = fix $ \sub conf ->
let ?subSession = sub
?quitSession = unit :: IO ()
?curlyConfig = conf
in withCurlyPlex conf $ do
oldPlex <- liftIO $ runAtomic compPlex (id `swapWith` const ?curlyPlex)
interactiveSession (serve conn CommandAck)
runStreamState (modify (cons (OC_Char '\n')))
liftIO $ writeIORef compPlex oldPlex
t <- forkIO $ do
takeMVar start
let onLog msg = serve conn (CommandLog msg)
withLogs | hasLocalClient = id
| otherwise = withLogCallback onLog
withLogs $ do
str <- withPrelude <$> connGetContents conn
trylog (serve conn ServerHasQuit) $ void $ parseCurly str (interactiveSession (serve conn CommandAck))
thr t
localClient :: String -> Connection -> IO ()
localClient user conn@(Connection clt srv) = do
isT <- and <$> traverse hIsTerminalDevice [stdin,stdout]
if not isT then startTerm
else do
trylog unit $ do
x <- readString curlyHistoryFile
traverse_ addHistory (lines x)
setCompletionEntryFunction $ Just $ \ln -> do
writeChan clt (CompleteRequest ln)
until $ do
x <- readChan srv
case x of
CompleteResponse y -> return (Just y)
_ -> Nothing <$ commonServerRequest clt x
prompt <- newIORef (user+"> ")
commonClient conn True (writeIORef prompt (user+"> ")) $ do
p <- runAtomic prompt $ id`swapWith`const (take (length user-3) (repeat ' ')+"...> ")
l <- readline p
l <$ case l of
Just s -> do
addHistory s
appendString curlyHistoryFile (s+"\n")
Nothing -> unit
let goodbye = "Have a nice day !"
putStrLn $ "\r"+take (max (length goodbye) (1+length user)) (goodbye+repeat ' ')
where startTerm = do
p <- getProgName
as <- getArgs
let findTerminal [] = liftIOLog $ error "Couldn't find a terminal"
findTerminal (t:ts) = do
isRunnable <- by (otherPerms.executePerm) <$> getPermissions t
logLine Verbose $ format "Trying terminal %s: %s" t (if isRunnable then "runnable" else "not runnable")
if isRunnable then do
spawnProcess t ("-e":p:as)
return ()
else findTerminal ts
findTerminal (liftA2 (flip (</>)) terminals paths)
paths = fromMaybe [] $ matches Just (sepBy' (many1' (noneOf ":")) (single ':')) (envVar "" "PATH")
terminals = ["x-terminal-emulator","lxterminal","xfce4-terminal","gnome-terminal","konsole","xterm","urxvt","rxvt"]
yesOrNo p = until $ do
ans <- readline (p+"[y/N] ")
matchesT Just (keyword True "y" + keyword False "n" + fill False eoi) (fold ans)
commonServerRequest clt (EditRequest ext (l,c) b) = writeChan clt . EditResponse =<< localEdit ext (l,c) b
commonServerRequest clt (PubkeyRequest name) = writeChan clt . PubkeyResponse =<< map (\(_,pub,_,meta,_) -> KeyInfo pub meta Nothing) . lookup name <$> getKeyStore
commonServerRequest _ (CommandOutput out) = liftIOLog (serialWriteHBytes stdout out)
commonServerRequest _ (CommandLog msg) = logMessage msg
commonServerRequest _ (KeyGenRequest True str) = do
logLine Debug $ "Generating key '"+str+"'"
priv <- genPrivateKey
let pub = publicKey priv
modifyKeyStore $ insert str (fingerprint pub,pub,Just priv,zero,zero)
commonServerRequest _ (KeyGenRequest False str) = do
doit <- yesOrNo $ format "Do you really want to delete the key '%s' ?" str
when doit (modifyKeyStore $ delete str)
commonServerRequest clt KeyListRequest = do
m <- getKeyStore
writeChan clt $ KeyListResponse [(name,fp,has t'Just priv) | (name,(fp,_,priv,_,_)) <- m^.ascList]
commonServerRequest _ _ = unit
commonClient :: Connection -> Bool -> IO () -> IO (Maybe String) -> IO ()
commonClient (Connection clt srv) bann ack prompt = do
writeChan clt (BannerRequest bann)
while $ readChan srv >>= \x -> case x of
LineRequest -> prompt >>= \l -> nonempty l <$ do
writeChan clt (LineResponse (foldMap (+"\n") l))
CommandAck -> True <$ ack
ServerHasQuit -> return False
_ -> True <$ commonServerRequest clt x
writeChan clt EndOfTransmission
stringClient :: String -> Connection -> IO ()
stringClient str conn = do
ln <- newIORef (Just str)
commonClient conn False unit (runAtomic ln $ id`swapWith`const Nothing)
fileClient :: String -> Connection -> IO ()
fileClient f conn = do
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
lns <- newChan
forkIO $ do
str <- case f of
"-" -> readHString stdin
_ -> readString f
for_ (lines str) $ \ln -> writeChan lns (Just ln)
writeChan lns Nothing
commonClient conn False unit (readChan lns)
forkMVar :: IO () -> IO (MVar ())
forkMVar m = newEmptyMVar <*= \v -> forkIO $ trylog unit m >> putMVar v ()
connectChans :: forall i o m. (Serializable Bytes i,Format Bytes o,MonadIO m, ?write :: Bytes -> IO ()) => Maybe SharedSecret -> Chan i -> Chan o -> ParserT Bytes m (MVar (),MVar ())
connectChans sec i o = do
rcvX :: ParserT Bytes IO o
sendX :: i -> IO ()
(rcvX,sendX) = case sec of
Just s -> let ?secret = s in (decrypt,encrypt >=> send)
Nothing -> (receive,send)
b <- remaining
liftIO $ do
sem <- forkMVar $ forever $ readChan i >>= sendX
sem' <- forkMVar $ matchesT (const ()) (forever $ rcvX >>= \d -> liftIO (writeChan o d)) b
return (sem,sem')
untilE :: Monad m => a -> (a -> m (a:+:b)) -> m b
untilE a k = fix (\f a -> k a >>= (f<|>return)) a
serverSecret :: (MonadIO m, ?write :: Bytes -> IO ()) => Map KeyFingerprint (String,PrivateKey) -> ParserT Bytes m (String,SharedSecret)
serverSecret ks = do
(nm,priv) <- untilE maxBound $ \(acc,k) -> case nearest (False,GT) k ks of
Nothing -> do
logLine Verbose $ format "Trying key %k" (minBound :: KeyFingerprint)
send (False,minBound :: KeyFingerprint)
if acc<=Read then zero
else map Left receive
Just (k',x) | k == k' -> send (True,k') >> return (Right x)
| otherwise -> do
logLine Verbose $ format "Trying key %k" k'
send (False,k') >> map Left receive
logLine Verbose $ "Agreed on authorized key "+nm
(user,pub) <- receive
(user,) <$> sharedSecret False priv pub
clientSecret :: (MonadIO m, ?write :: Bytes -> IO ()) => String -> Map (Access,KeyFingerprint) (String,PublicKey) -> ParserT Bytes m (Access,SharedSecret)
clientSecret inst ks = do
(acc,(nm,pub)) <- untilE maxBound $ \acc -> receive >>= \(eq,k) -> case nearest (False,GT) (acc,k) ks of
Nothing -> do
send (minBound :: (Access,KeyFingerprint))
Just ((acc',k'),x) -> (if eq then Right (acc',x) else Left acc') <$ do
logLine Verbose $ format "Sending key/access pair (%k,%s)" k' (show acc')
unless eq (send (acc',k'))
logLine Verbose $ "Agreed on authorized key "+nm
priv <- genPrivateKey
send (format "%s@%s" nm inst :: String,publicKey priv)
(acc,) <$> sharedSecret True priv pub
handleServer :: Handle -> Connection -> IO String
handleServer h (Connection clt srv) = do
inst <- runConnection Just False h $ do
identities <- getKeyStore
let idKeys = fromAList [(f,(name,priv)) | (name,(f,_,Just priv,_,_)) <- identities^.ascList]
authRequired <- receive
(inst,sec) <- if authRequired then second Just<$>serverSecret idKeys
else logLine Verbose "No authorization required by server" >> map (,Nothing) receive
inst <$ connectChans sec clt srv
maybe (error "Not authorized to access server") return inst
handleClient :: String -> Handle -> Connection -> IO (Access,MVar ())
handleClient inst h (Connection clt srv) = do
identities <- getKeyStore
let allowedKeys = fromAList [((access,f),(name,pub))
| (name,(f,pub,_,_,all)) <- identities^.ascList
, access <- [all^.at inst.folded]
, access >= Read]
clt <- runConnection Just False h $ do
(acc,sec) <- if empty allowedKeys then send False >> send inst >> return (Read,Nothing)
else send True >> second Just<$>clientSecret inst allowedKeys
(sem,sem') <- connectChans sec srv clt
(acc,) <$> liftIO (forkMVar $ takeMVar sem >> takeMVar sem')
maybe (error "Unauthorized client") return clt
targetServer :: (?targetParams :: TargetParams) => IO ServerEndPoint
targetServer = case getConf confServer of
Just (inst,srv,p) -> SocketServer <$> do
h <- connectTo srv p
h' <- runConnection Just True h $ do
x <- exchange (AskInstance inst)
case x of
Left err -> liftIO (putStrLn err) >> zero
Right (PeerPort p') -> liftIO (connectTo srv p')
maybe (error $ "Cannot connect to instance "+inst+"@"+srv+":"+show p) return h'
Nothing -> return LocalServer